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What Came First...

Well, in our was definitely the chicken.

Moving to the country allowed me the opportunity to spread my farm girl wings and try my hand at raising chickens. My husband humored me by agreeing to help me in this venture. Boy, was he in for a ride. We started with simple plans, for both the chickens and the coop.

As inexperienced chicken farmers, where else were we going to go and "pick out" our chickens? Nowhere other than Orchelen's. Farm and Home Not a huge array of breeds, but I did have my mind set on Barred Rocks, and only pullets (hens). The most beautiful black and white birds who were ever bread, mild manner to boot. A duel purpose chicken...because I had it in my mind that they would be just that, duel purpose; yah right.

Naturally, the way things happen around here, we put the cart before the horse. But in this case it was the chick before the coop. Not to worry, I have a brother-in-law who is a carpenter. My husband sketched rough plans with hopes of keeping the operation small and manageable. My brother-in-law on the other hand had "bigger" plans.

Let me introduce you to ----

What started as an 8 bird operations has grown to around 25 birds. Oh yah, and from those 8, we have a rooster named as in Roster Cogsburn. More on Cluckingham Palace later.


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I am a wife, mother to a college athlete and full time corporate analyst who's life has begun changing in more ways than one.  Follow me as I navigate being an empty nester, turning 50 and loving our Little White House.

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