The Little White House - An Introduction into Something New

This is it, our forever home. Doesn't look like much to many, but to us....priceless.
My husband and I have both wanted a house on land since we got married in 1997 (and even before that for him, a farmer at heart). But back then, we had little to call ours. We had jobs that paid what we "needed" and little to no savings. Our first apartment was furnished with hand-me-downs, some of which I still have today.
We bought our "starter" 5-year home back in 2000. This turned into a 17 year, many memories made humble abode. We raised our daughter in that home, hosted many a family event in that home, and when it sold...we never looked back.
Every year we grew in our careers and grew closer to our dream. It took just over 20 years and a lot of growing up using the power of prayer, patience, dreaming and saving that in 2017 we took a chance. We purchased our forever home at auction and it was the best investment we've ever made. We juggled two mortgages while our "starter" home was on the market. We were luck in that the market was on our side and the house sold rather quickly.
Fast forward to today, 5 years from that auction block sale and I'm still loving this Little White House. Follow me as we navigate this journey of evolution from town to country, raising chickens (maybe some cows), DIY'ing and adjusting to being new "empty" nesters. It ain't a big house, but God knows where we live. -- Jenn